
Welcome to Holistic Activism

Deep Ecologist John Seed says that for every forest saved (through conventional activism) we lose a thousand more. Therefore, as John points out, our activism needs to be more than doing the reactive stuff. We also need to be carrying the proactive stuff into our activism too.

This means helping to deliver systemic change towards some form of post-growth society that does not assume infinite growth on a finite planet. But because we have been so conditioned by the current model of society, systemic change seems unimaginable to most people, even in face of a growing climate and ecological emergency.

So Holistic Activism is about going one step further by helping us to remember that we are a part of nature and not outside of it. This remembering, in turn, better enables us to become co-creators of a new model of society that can flourish within limits to growth.

Holistic Activism is part of a broader movement for a deeper type of ecology that acts as one of numerous pathways into the broader body of work out there that has been written by Deep Ecologists, Social Permaculturists, Deep Adaptionists, and the Regenerative Consciousness movement.   The Holistic Activism approach consists of four interconnecting components (or steps).

Ego to Eco

There is nothing new about Holistic Activism. It is simply a gathering and collation of stuff that has been said before into a step-by-step guide that is intended to help change the way we approach each other and the earth.

Some people may not connect with the term ‘activism’ because it doesn’t work for everyone. Instead the term ‘activism’ can easily be replaced with something else. Because fundamentally this is all about a collective return to a way of approaching the world that has been lost to the white noise of our modern day lifestyles.